"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ if ($row['Blocked'] == "No"){ $idvalue = $row['id']; echo "".$row['displayname']."
"; echo $row['age']." years old, ".$row['gender']."
".$row['location']." ".$row['country'].""; if($personalcounter == "2"){ echo ""; $personalcounter = "1"; }else{ echo ""; $personalcounter = $personalcounter +1; } } } echo ""; include("footer.php"); }if ($HTTP_GET_VARS["go"]=="small" && $_SESSION['currentuser']!=""){ dothesmallsearch(); }if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['go']=="big" && $_SESSION['currentuser']!=""){ dothebigsearch(); }if ($_SESSION['currentuser']!="" && $HTTP_GET_VARS['go']=="") { viewprofiles(); }if ($_SESSION['currentuser']==""){ notloggedin(); } function notloggedin() { echo "

You must be logged in to view the personals section"; include ("footer.php"); } function viewprofiles() { thesearch(); include("footer.php"); } function thesearch() { echo "

"; ?>
View All Profiles
"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $idvalue = $row['id']; echo "".$row['displayname'].""; echo $row['age'].", ".$row['gender']." - ".$row['location']." ".$row['country'].""; } if(!$result){ echo "No Records Found"; } // $result = mysql_query("SELECT id, displayname, age, gender, location, country FROM members WHERE displayname='$value' AND personals='Yes'"); // while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )){ // $idvalue = $row['id']; // echo "".$row['displayname'].""; // echo $row['age'].", ".$row['gender']." - ".$row['location']." ".$row['country'].""; // } echo ""; mysql_close(); include("footer.php"); } ?>